Translation of Charter and Manifesto

Charter and manifesto were written in french, but their translation is essential to promote the project to a wider public.

To achieve this :

  1. Create an acount on
  2. Go to and fork it (button “fork” under the title “CHATONS”)
  3. Do your translations in you repo (you could also clone the repo locally, as usual)
  1. Create an acount
  2. Name it for example “Translation of Manifesto in English” (if you want to translate in english)
  3. Please indicate in the issue that you're working on a translation, et attach your file to this issue

We will report translation in orignal repository.

  • aider/traduire/en/traductioncharte.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2021/06/02 13:26
  • de antoinejaba