Translation of Charter and Manifesto
Charter and manifesto were written in french, but their translation is essential to promote the project to a wider public.
To achieve this :
Your're framiliar with Git ?
- Create an acount on
- Go to and fork it (button “fork” under the title “CHATONS”)
- Do your translations in you repo (you could also clone the repo locally, as usual)
- Once your modifications are done, propose a merge request on the original repo (chatons/CHATONS Le Collectif des Hébergeurs Alternatifs, Transparents, Ouverts, Neutres et Solidairs)
You're not familiar with Git ?
- Create an acount
- Create a new “issue”
- Name it for example “Translation of Manifesto in English” (if you want to translate in english)
- Please indicate in the issue that you're working on a translation, et attach your file to this issue
We will report translation in orignal repository.